Today OCTO introduced the "TechStat" program to find more effective, efficient solutions to improve government service delivery, lower the cost of operations and drive innovation. TechStat sessions provide a deep dive into a functional area within the government, leveraging best-practice research to understand how we can improve current operations and coordinate with other internal functions to better serve OCTO and the District. It originated with the CTO’s desire to review the efficiency and value of technology spend across the District. The program is modeled after the DC Mayor Adrian M. Fenty’s CapStat program.
For one hour, the Chief Technology Officer convenes all responsible parties for improving performance on an issue, examines data, explores ways to improve services, and makes commitments for follow-up actions. The sessions include lively discussions on critical business issues, technology innovation, and strategic execution. TechStat allows directors to ensure their programs’ performance indicators are accurate and meaningful.