In 54 days, OCTO digitized 4.6 million neglected District of Columbia Public Schools (DCPS) human resource records, allowing the District to avoid a CAFR audit. Prior to the start of production, the DCPS file room was managed by one full time staff person and over the past 10 years documents bundled by rubber bands or paper clips were transferred to the file room with a brief cover sheet or post-it note. When DCPS staff requested certain documents, they would have to sift through millions of loose pages. After the project, DCPS HR reported a 25% increase of productivity.
OCTO will continue to transform DCPS HR filing by automating all personnel documents and eliminating the need for a manual or paper file room. We will also provide online benefits administration and payroll processing by allowing employees to sign up for and change their benefits, enter their own time, view their earnings, and print their own W-2's. Subsequent efforts will automate performance management compensation history and allow for online job application/resume processing.
OCTO will continue to transform DCPS HR filing by automating all personnel documents and eliminating the need for a manual or paper file room. We will also provide online benefits administration and payroll processing by allowing employees to sign up for and change their benefits, enter their own time, view their earnings, and print their own W-2's. Subsequent efforts will automate performance management compensation history and allow for online job application/resume processing.